Current Research
Mesenchymal Stem (Stromal) Cells for Treatment of ARDS: a Phase 1 Clinical Trial.
Wilson JG, Liu KD, Zhuo H, Caballero L, McMillan M, Fang X, Cosgrove K, Vojnik R, Calfee C, Lee J, Rogers A, Levitt J, Wiener-Kronish J, Bajwa EK, Leavitt A, McKenna D, Thompson BT, Matthay MA.
Lancet Respir Med. 2014 Dec; 16(14): 70291-70297.
Mesenchymal stem cells: mechanisms of potential therapeutic benefit in ARDS and sepsis.
Walter J, Ware LB, Matthay MA.
Lancet Respir Med. 2014 Dec;2(12): 1016-1026.
Asmussen S, Ito H, Traber DL, Lee JW, Cox RA, Hawkins HK, McAuley DF, McKenna DH, Traber LD, Zhuo H, Wilson J, Herndon DN, Prough DS, Liu KD, Matthay MA, Enkhbaatar P.
Thorax. 2014 Sep;69(9): 819-25.
Fang X, Abbott J, Cheng L, Colby JK, Lee JW, Levy BD, Matthay MA.
J Immunol. 2015 Aug; 195(3): 875-81.
Lee JW, Krasnodembskya A, McKenna DH, Song Y, Abbott J, Matthay MA.
Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 2013 Apr; 187(7): 751-760.
Concise review: Mesenchymal stem cells for acute lung injury: role of paracrine soluble factors.
Lee JW, Fang X, Krasnodembskaya A, Howard JP, Matthay MA.
Stem Cells. 2011 Jun; 29(6): 913-919.
Krasnodembskaya A, Song Y, Fang X, Gupta N, Serikov V, Lee JW, Matthay MA.
Stem Cells. 2010 Dec; 28(12): 2229-2238.
Therapeutic Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Severe Acute Lung Injury.
Matthay MA, Thompson T, Read E, Mckenna Jr D, Liu K, Calfee C, Lee JW.
CHEST. 2010 Oct; 138(4): 965-972.
Lee JW, Fang X, Gupta N, Serikov V, Matthay MA.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2009 Sep; 106(38): 16357-16362.
Németh K, Leelahavanichkul A, Yuen PS, Mayer B, Parmelee A, Doi K, Robey PG, Leelahavanichkul K, Koller BH, Brown JM, Hu X, Jelinek I, Star RA, Mezey E.
Nat Med. 2009 Apr; 15(4): 42-49.
Gupta N, Su X, Popov B, Lee JW, Serikov V, Matthay MA.
J Immunol. 2007 Aug; 179(3): 1855-1863.